3 Steps to a Career in Business Analytics

Are you considering a career in Business Analytics? That’s a great choice! Projected job growth…

3 Steps to a Career in Business Analytics

Are you considering a career in Business Analytics? That’s a great choice! Projected job growth is 22% for the next ten years! (source)

So, if Business Analytics is right for you, what’s next? As with any career change, it boils down to these three steps.

Get the skills. Get the job. Grow the career.

Easier said than done? We agree. But you can do this! We help people do it every day. Here’s our insider advice.

1. How to get the skills.

Earn your degree and/or certifications. Did you know that Business Analytics does not typically have a formal educational requirement? Though most Business Analysts complete a bachelor’s degree, employers may value certifications and experience over a degree in this fast-moving job market. We can help you with that. 

Apprentice, volunteer, and/or take the entry-level position. If you’re finding it hard to break into Business Analytics, this step can be the key that opens locked doors. Whether low pay or no pay, this is where you can flesh out your resume, create professional connections, and hone your skills. Experience is gold, so be willing to invest in it.

2. How to get the job.

Document your hands-on experience in an online portfolio which becomes part of your personal brand. (Our Business Analytics Science course gives you real-life projects and experiences to help populate that portfolio!) Publish yourself on sites like Medium, LinkedIn, and Hubpages. Kill it in your interview. Need help with interview prep? Our new Career Hub gives you access to actionable career advice and live career coaches to help you prepare for and nail your interview!

3. How to grow your career.

Never stop learning. Relevant, successful Business Analysts stay abreast of trends and the technological tools of the trade. Our ten-week Business Analytics Science course quickly gets you up to speed on the latest analytics strategies and tactics.

Become indispensable. Go the extra mile . . . be a team player . . . be flexible . . . these are vital for any career’s growth. The Business Analyst has an extra advantage: Analytics! Document your value using rankings, KPIs, engagement rates, etc., and showcase your value for everyone to see.

Where are you on your journey to a career in Business Analytics?

Enroll now in our Business Analytics Science Course, and in ten weeks, you’ll be worlds closer to your career goals.

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Business Analytics

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